Linda and I made it last weekend to the Pro Football HOF induction in Canton, Ohio. Brett Favre was going in along with Ken Stabler, Tony Dungy, Marvin Harrison, Orlando Pace, Kevin Greene and Dick Stanfel and Eddy Bartolo. Some of the well know Raider fans were there as well. I really feel bad for the Raider Fans. Stabler died just before the announcement that he was going in the hall. If you get inducted after you die, the speech is eliminated and you get short changed. We enjoyed ourselves and met a lot of great football fans. The Raider fans were really good fans and were fun to talk football. The majority of the fans were Green Bay and most were drunk. It was game weekend to them. PARTY !!! We attended the induction and the roundtable. The roundtable was a great way to get some off the cuff stories and get a feel for the real person. The game was cancelled, but that was not such a big deal to us. We had great seats, but a really early flight the next day would have been even more difficult than it was. We got real lucky on the game scenario. We were staying about an hour from Canton, near the airport in Cleveland. On the way to the game, we turned on the radio and there was talk of issues with 'field conditions' and Linda and I just headed back to the hotel. Eventually they cancelled the game because the paint was not properly dried and it too sticky to be safe. We watched the Olympics on TV instead.
This weekend we are going to Detroit to run at the Michigan Senior Games and we are visiting Linda's aunt. This is a quick trip, Linda is going to work on Sunday--so it is a hurry up deal. But, I would like to get in another meet this year. All my events are after lunch on Saturday--so I will need to be ready to run run run. My training has been limited somewhat, but I think I am strong and my weight is coming down a little and I should be able to run at 195 which a little lighter than the TN State Finals. I am hopeful the lower weight can make the stopwatch look better.
I did do some running in Cleveland at a National Park in the Cuyahoga River valley. There is a scenic rail line, abandoned Ohio-Erie canal works and also a few pieces of an old paper mill. The Jaite mill was started in 1904 and closed in 1984 and demolished in 2006. The mill was started by a Polish gentlemen who recruited Polish immigrants to come settle at the mill and work. The mill provided housing and apparently it flourished through WWII and after the war, the southern mills could make much lower cost bag paper and they were finished. During the depression they had 250 people working at the mill and it looks like it was a hopping community. Today the mill is just a concrete pad with pieces of an old bag machine on display. I hopped the fence to check it out and found a couple of pieces of machinery that my current company sold in 1958 and 1965. They would probably still work if needed!
This is a Kadant name plate from 1958 on a dryer doctor blade.
In a couple weeks we have a wedding in NY state and I need to mow the yard really bad. Today is catch up day on the yard --I hope. I does not stop. Hopefully I can have a good race weekend and then watch the big boys and girls in Rio race !!
You're doing great! You work hard at work, home and training and still show me a really good time!