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Showing posts from October, 2016

Moles and my life

I live an area where moles enjoy just tearing thru my yard and enjoying life. Things have changed in the last two years for the little miners.   Where ever they have tunneled in the yard in the past has died out the following weeks and has made the yard a little unsightly.   I am not the biggest yard nut, but I do like to have a relatively smooth surface that has an even cover of grass.  The moles had become a problem and I needed to act in early 2015.  I mow over 1.5 acres total and about an acre is subject to mole damage.   I do not want to eliminate the grubs with pesticide so I have to address mole control a little differently. There several old tree root systems in the yard and from trees removed and trees that are still alive.  There are a lot of places for the grubs to survive and the moles know this.   The moles have a lot areas in which to find food and there is a lot of food available.   Last year I trie...

Chatanooga Race

I have been really busy and have not followed up with the Chattanooga race results which was held over two weeks ago.  The conditions were very good for sprinters with a very light wind  and a very fast blue surface down by the river at the Girls School.   I ran in two races, the 100 and 200 meters.   I ran within 0.1 of my personal best in each race and the speed increase due to weight loss is real.  In the 100 m, there was no one ahead so I ran my own race and finished with a 13.39 hand timed.  In the 200 meters, there were three runners.   William Yelverton was in lane 4 and I was in lane 2.  He decided to run the race at the last minute and I was glad to have someone to pace me--so to speak-- or someone that I would try to catch. Bill race 24.89 and I ran a 27.39 and felt great.   That was the second fastest time in the 200 since started the Senior thing at 53 years old.   This time was faster than my Nat...

New Knee

Linda has a new knee and now has a matched set of Zimmer knees that should last her a really long time.  The knee surgery recovery is going very well.  Some other pain that was developing before the surgery is causing some problems with back pain that she does not need!   We are going to address that soon and hope to cure a lot of pain problems very quickly, that is our hope.     So in the meantime, a lot of ice and cold packs are getting used.   The freezer is half cold packs and they are constantly in motion.   Linda is improving daily and can walk without her walker after 7 days!   Progress! I tested some new shoes this week.  These models by Asics and New Balance are supposed to be targeted to the 400 meter runners.   Both have very aggressive and are built with a quite stiff fore foot which feels great and they both have great traction with Omni Lite 7 mm spikes.  The NB does have a much...