Linda has a new knee and now has a matched set of Zimmer knees that should last her a really long time. The knee surgery recovery is going very well. Some other pain that was developing before the surgery is causing some problems with back pain that she does not need! We are going to address that soon and hope to cure a lot of pain problems very quickly, that is our hope. So in the meantime, a lot of ice and cold packs are getting used. The freezer is half cold packs and they are constantly in motion. Linda is improving daily and can walk without her walker after 7 days! Progress!
I tested some new shoes this week. These models by Asics and New Balance are supposed to be targeted to the 400 meter runners. Both have very aggressive and are built with a quite stiff fore foot which feels great and they both have great traction with Omni Lite 7 mm spikes. The NB does have a much higher arch on the transition back to the heel and that ridge does rub my foot and is a little uncomfortable. So by default the Asics are preferred until I can figure out how to manage around the rubbing in the arch. I found both pair on eBay. They are last years model and were about 40% the cost of new spikes. It is always fun to try some new gear.
The actual spikes are Omni Lite and are not steel, they are a carbide based material--similar to ceramic and are lighter than metal. I am interested in how they hold up.
My left hamstring is still in some sort of distress. It just seems to be a little sore. It stretches out fine and my massage therapist can find nothing wrong with the muscle-no trauma of any sort. I have been resting it for over 3 weeks and only this week did any hard running during the spike tests. I ran the 50 meters with blocks at 85%. The hammie does fine for speed and power, it just hurts.... It might be the new normal of old age, hopefully not, but you just don't know.
I am still going to run next weekend at Chattanooga and hopefully the hammie will cooperate.
I put up the third Diversity Flag about one month ago. I do not want to run my mouth and have something bad happen, but it still flies. I did make some changes to the pole and it is much more secure now. I hope the flag stealer will finally yield and leave it alone.
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