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Showing posts from November, 2016

Let's run a 5K !

Last year I ran a 5K on Thanksgiving as a test of my conditioning and I did it in 30:53 minutes.  I was trying to beat 30 minutes, which I have been trying to do for the last several 5 K races I have raced in the last 5 years.  I have run 3 5K races in the last 5 years.  I just struggle in these "marathons".  I signed up this year for the Grace Works 5K, which is run around the Cool Spring Galleria at 8:00 AM on Thanksgiving morning.   It was about 60 degrees at race time, pretty nice for this time of the year.  I was up early and put on 10 pieces of KT tape.  I put a tape job on both feet and knees and wore my best support wear to keep from getting any cramps or knee problems.  My knees have been getting a little loose lately and have on a rare occasions gotten twisted and that is a real annoyance.  I was taped and compressed to withstand anything that was to come.  Last year I struggled at the start because I g...


    This is my back yard entertainment this year.  If you spot some antlers, you are looking in the right spot.  Looks like an eight pointer is using our yard as his local hook up spot.      This is what he was after today just before dark.  Pretty good buck bait. Both pictures were taken at very low light.       I know the rut is in full swing now in Brentwood.  Deer have been everywhere and the bucks are 50 yards away--like this one-- and they are basically fearless of humans.  We have a nice buck in our backyard and I may have to get a crossbow so I can take he out.  he has ruined a lot of trees with his antlers and that is not why I planted them.     I ran a warm up for the 5K I plan on running on Thursday.  I ran my hilly course in 30:30 for the distance.  My goal on Thursday is less than 30 minutes and I should be close to getting under that time. I will rest my legs ...

More Animal crap

I am getting a handle on the moles and now there is a buck white tail that is using my small trees as the his personal antler polish.  It has been so dry lately, I have not been mowing the yard and I have not had chance to see all the trees around the property. The other day I was walking around and two trees in the front of the house were torn up  pretty good.   I bought some 4 Inch drainage pipe to protect them, but several are in pretty bad shape and will probably need to be removed.  Deer and beaver are not my favorites in this area.  It is very frustrating to plant trees and keep them alive and then some idiot buck just shreds your work!  I am signed up for the Nationals next summer in Birmingham, Al.   The meet will be 5 days and they will run all the ages in those 5 days.  It is going to be crowded and busy.  In the past, the 65 and up ran a separate meet the week before the youngsters arrived.   That is a lot of ...