This is my back yard entertainment this year. If you spot some antlers, you are looking in the right spot. Looks like an eight pointer is using our yard as his local hook up spot.
This is what he was after today just before dark. Pretty good buck bait. Both pictures were taken at very low light.
I know the rut is in full swing now in Brentwood. Deer have been everywhere and the bucks are 50 yards away--like this one-- and they are basically fearless of humans. We have a nice buck in our backyard and I may have to get a crossbow so I can take he out. he has ruined a lot of trees with his antlers and that is not why I planted them.
I ran a warm up for the 5K I plan on running on Thursday. I ran my hilly course in 30:30 for the distance. My goal on Thursday is less than 30 minutes and I should be close to getting under that time. I will rest my legs the remainder of the week and do some upper body weight work. I need to get my feet feeling better, they take a beating on the road events. I think I have the right amount of clothing selected to wear, it will be around freezing on Thursday when we run. I stayed warm today with a hat, gloves, two layers lower and 3 upper layers with my camelback water tank on my back. it worked out pretty well, I did not need to remove anything until I was done. There was also a very cool breeze from the North today in my face on the return leg of my run.
As the calendar heads towards Thanksgiving, I need to get my Christmas shopping going. I have some early things done, but I need to get the harder to find things moved to the top of the list. Christmas will be staggered this year, we will not be traveling. Aaron will come in for a few days and Betty will also drop by after the Big Day. But we will get to see some of kids and not have a high energy event where everyone gets into town and chaos is unleashed. With the new knee on Linda, we will keep it a lot lower key than in the past.
By the way, Ohio State Vs. Michigan is coming up this Saturday. There is a lot on the line for this game. I hope everyone can watch the game. Go Bucks!!
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