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Showing posts from January, 2013

Light and Darkness

As you grow older you learn more about your body.  Actually, doctors and people you know tell you and you just have to remember what they said.    With this info you make behavior decisions and try to make a better life for everyone concerned.  In the past several winters I have been depressed from the lack of light basically.  The previous couple of winters I have experimented with different meds from a doctor that were supposed to make me happy--I called   them "Happy Pills".  The doctor's definition of happy was to be a zombie, lack any real "feelings' and have the sex life of a 102 year old man.   Things changed this year- a lot.   I took the meds on schedule and tried to make the program work, but I was not real impressed with results and Linda did not really like the "person" she had to live with.  Can't plame her, I was a mess.   Linda bought me a "Happy Light"  (that is t...

The Boonies

You know you are in the boonies when you have a hotel with a real key made of metal and your choices for a gym or helath club are a 45 minute drive.  This is the case for me this week in really Upstate New York.   Canada is less than an hour away.   I am working on another Yankee project and actually may return again next week.  I have started during my fitness runs on the treadmill, working on my heart rate.   I have been doing 800 meters at 8:00 min/mile pace and I can get two in before I reach my max heart rate.   Progress is being made.  After that, I will run a quicker pace until my heart rate races max again, typically that distance is 400 to 600 meters.   It was almost warm enough last weekend to go outside and do some running, but the wind was quite strong and shifting and I would rather spend time concentrating on controlling my heart rate than worrying about my hamstring or other leg muscles.   speaki...

New Year New Challenges

The Holiday Season is slowly ebbing to a conclusion.   The important football games are coming up and when they are finished, the Holidays are officially over according to my calendar.   This year was basically nuts, with moving in a new house, rushing to get ready for guests and having a heavy work schedule.  Finally, I am getting back to some sort of "normal".   Whew.... I have started working out again.  I basically took off 5 weeks from the gym and treadmill.    But I have started lifting again and I am doing some 800 and 400 meter runs on the treadmill.  I try to run a pace that will keep my heart rate below 100% until the very end.    I had a question about maximum heart rate for a 56 year old, and Linda checked it out on line.  And according to Havard University Heart Institute, my max heart rate is 169.   They have modified the calculation over the years and it is now a new form...