The Holiday Season is slowly ebbing to a conclusion. The important football games are coming up and when they are finished, the Holidays are officially over according to my calendar. This year was basically nuts, with moving in a new house, rushing to get ready for guests and having a heavy work schedule. Finally, I am getting back to some sort of "normal". Whew....
I have started working out again. I basically took off 5 weeks from the gym and treadmill. But I have started lifting again and I am doing some 800 and 400 meter runs on the treadmill. I try to run a pace that will keep my heart rate below 100% until the very end. I had a question about maximum heart rate for a 56 year old, and Linda checked it out on line. And according to Havard University Heart Institute, my max heart rate is 169. They have modified the calculation over the years and it is now a new formula, but according to the experts more accurate for the young and old athletes.
My travel schedule is still quite heavy..I have not been in my office in Memphis since mid September. But, I have a dental appointment in a couple of weeks and I will go to Memphis that week and see if my access key is still good for the building. But, as January begins I will start to stay a places that have access to good gyms and work out facilities and get busy and serious about the Nationals. I have also been notified it is time to register the National meet. I got to get organized and start the count down.
I actually had some time to do yard work today. I was not raining hard for a change and the weather was OK. So, I finally got to run the new garden tractor and wagon around the lot. I also got my new chainsaw out and trimmed some trees that were in major need of a trim. It was the first time I had used the saw. So, I fired it up, let it get warm and then tried to cut a limb..... dull as a hoe! The chain was on backwards!! So, I changed it over and it ran fine. A new saw with a backwards chain is either a safety thing (Linda's comment) or a bad joke. I think the dealer got in a hurry and put it on wrong. But Come ' on Man.
I have started working out again. I basically took off 5 weeks from the gym and treadmill. But I have started lifting again and I am doing some 800 and 400 meter runs on the treadmill. I try to run a pace that will keep my heart rate below 100% until the very end. I had a question about maximum heart rate for a 56 year old, and Linda checked it out on line. And according to Havard University Heart Institute, my max heart rate is 169. They have modified the calculation over the years and it is now a new formula, but according to the experts more accurate for the young and old athletes.
My travel schedule is still quite heavy..I have not been in my office in Memphis since mid September. But, I have a dental appointment in a couple of weeks and I will go to Memphis that week and see if my access key is still good for the building. But, as January begins I will start to stay a places that have access to good gyms and work out facilities and get busy and serious about the Nationals. I have also been notified it is time to register the National meet. I got to get organized and start the count down.
I actually had some time to do yard work today. I was not raining hard for a change and the weather was OK. So, I finally got to run the new garden tractor and wagon around the lot. I also got my new chainsaw out and trimmed some trees that were in major need of a trim. It was the first time I had used the saw. So, I fired it up, let it get warm and then tried to cut a limb..... dull as a hoe! The chain was on backwards!! So, I changed it over and it ran fine. A new saw with a backwards chain is either a safety thing (Linda's comment) or a bad joke. I think the dealer got in a hurry and put it on wrong. But Come ' on Man.
The safety thing is a good guess. They'll sell a chain saw to anyone but don't want to get sued when some dummy saws his leg off. If the chain is on backwards and the user can't figure that out...there will have to be some intervention.