Is a new movie coming out? No, it is winter time flying. I flew into Tulsa Airport yesterday evening during the 'so called blizzard'. It was windy and the pilot( Southwest) had his hands full with the wind sheer. I fly a lot and this was the most out of shape I can remember right before landing. Typically you get the funny feeling in the pit of the stomach, but I was real calm this trip and we bounced in just fine. Winter flying is really unpredictable, but that is part of the deal. If you looked at the weather map for the entire US, Tulsa was in the eye of the comma shaped storm, just like the eye of hurricane. I have to back up in time and mention.... My flight from Nashville to Tulsa had a plane change in Houston Hobby--home of Poppadeaux's cajun reastaurant. I would classify it as the best airport food in the world. If you have something better, bring it on, cause you are in for ...