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Showing posts from May, 2013

Serious competition

Our house is in an area that is abundant with wildlife and a couple weeks ago I stumbled onto some baby bunnies ready to leave the nest.   We never saw a mother, but about 6 little rabbits are currently residing in various locations around our house in flower beds, under the gazebos, shed or wherever they chose.  They are fun to watch, realtively tame and just plain cute.  They are growing very quickly and will soon be scattered around the neighborhood.  I wonder if they want to race??  In a few weeks the racing does start for me, the Tennessee State Championship will be held.    I have started some speed work outside--finally.  I have held off as long as possible to prevent the injury that has plaqued me in recent years.   Yesterday I got the stop watch out  and ran some grass sprints on a very nice soccer field that is one of may favorites.  It is mowed very short and is quite smooth.  I ra...

Hello again

My recent luck with personal electronics has been lousy.  A month or so ago I washed my iphone 5 and it had to be replaced.  That was relatively simple, the cloud remembered my stuff and I was back in business in a coupe of days.    About 2 weeks ago I was working at a makeshift desk in a tissue mill and rolled my chair back, the chair was tangled in my power cord for my work computer and it feel to the floor and landed flat on the bottom.   It was immediately rendered useless.    I do all my blogging and other communicating on this device and I was out of business.   I called the geeks and send the computer in to the geeks that take care of them at Buckman.   I got the follow up call and the hard drive was junk and everything was gone.  Lovely.    I have a replacement now, but it is new and every web site treats you as a new computer and I lost all my favorites--which is a big deal ...

Deja Vu

Last weekend I decided to not run on Saturday and do some weight work on my legs.  Usually this just makes my legs a little sore and stiff for a couple of days and life goes on.   But, this time was different.   I finished my routine and felt fine.  My left foot--the good one-- had a little ouchy spot in the front middle and I did not think much about it,   The next day, I was removing a door to be painted and it was a lot heavier than I anticipated and the trouble started.    The foot really started to swell and get quite painful.  Like turf toe in the middle of your foot instead of the big toe joint.   I started to ice it that evening and the thoughts race thru your mind about injuries and missing the Nationals again.   Deja vu.    The foot actually felt broken, had the red puffy swelling, the whole deal.  I have had a broken foot in the past and I knew the drill. ...