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Showing posts from June, 2013

Come and Gone

The Tennessee State Finals for the Senior Olympians was last weekend and I did not race.  My injury to my left leg or hip--some where in that area kept me on the sidelines.  Last week I iced it a lot and took Aleve regularly to get the swelling down.  I think it helped, but too little , too late.  I finally had some discoloration in the leg area, where it is connected to the core.  Late week I was in Lewiston, Idaho  and it was really a hot day with brilliant sunshine. I found a nice high school track that was synthetic and thought I would would see if I could race.    I had a great warm up, 95 degrees helps a lot, and tried some 50 meters at 70 % and 80%.  80% was over the limit.  With 4 days til the race and my leg at 70 %. I was a scratch.  That sucked.   A lot of training and nothing to show for it. So, I packed up my gear and limped to the hotel. I did get quite a bit o...

The Local Evening News

Have you watched much evening new lately?   They have a tendency to just keep piling on the bad news regardless of the situation.  If someone did not get murdered in their town, they will cover another town's chaos.   I feel like I have a permenant spot on their set.   My hip is improving slightly--I would say it is 85 to 90%.   I did do some running this week in Memphis on a synthethic track.  I was able to try to ramp the speed a little and test the hip.   There is a definite limit on how much the hip will take without getting stiff and painful.   I ran three times last week, twice indoors and once out.  My fitness level is very good, but I am struggling to be pain free.   Yesterday I had a back problem jump up and smack me up side the butt.   I was moving some firewood and cutting up some debris and was bent over for 30 seconds and when I straightened up, I had a very intense stiffness ...

Cheese and whine

I got the whine....but with good reason.   I have had multiple computer and phone failures the last couple weeks and it can drive you nuts.   Just pretend it is 1957 and the secretary is on vacation, your secretary of course.    One day this week I did not have phone or internet capability and I was basically floating thru the world with no way for anyone to find me.  Some ways that is good and most ways it is bad.   I was flying that day and as a rule, I keep Linda posted on my status.   That was impossible, and nothing bad happened, so the panic button was not pushed.  I want to forget that mess.    I have been working on more speed work and had a set back on Monday of this week.   I had a really major cramp or something on my left hip and basically stopped me in my tracks.    I was little dehydrated from some yard work over the weekend, but I thought I was pr...