The Tennessee State Finals for the Senior Olympians was last weekend and I did not race. My injury to my left leg or hip--some where in that area kept me on the sidelines. Last week I iced it a lot and took Aleve regularly to get the swelling down. I think it helped, but too little , too late. I finally had some discoloration in the leg area, where it is connected to the core. Late week I was in Lewiston, Idaho and it was really a hot day with brilliant sunshine. I found a nice high school track that was synthetic and thought I would would see if I could race. I had a great warm up, 95 degrees helps a lot, and tried some 50 meters at 70 % and 80%. 80% was over the limit. With 4 days til the race and my leg at 70 %. I was a scratch. That sucked. A lot of training and nothing to show for it. So, I packed up my gear and limped to the hotel. I did get quite a bit o...