The Tennessee State Finals for the Senior Olympians was last weekend and I did not race. My injury to my left leg or hip--some where in that area kept me on the sidelines. Last week I iced it a lot and took Aleve regularly to get the swelling down. I think it helped, but too little , too late. I finally had some discoloration in the leg area, where it is connected to the core.
Late week I was in Lewiston, Idaho and it was really a hot day with brilliant sunshine. I found a nice high school track that was synthetic and thought I would would see if I could race. I had a great warm up, 95 degrees helps a lot, and tried some 50 meters at 70 % and 80%. 80% was over the limit. With 4 days til the race and my leg at 70 %. I was a scratch. That sucked. A lot of training and nothing to show for it. So, I packed up my gear and limped to the hotel.
I did get quite a bit of work done around the new homestead instead of racing. Our house is built without a basement, it is called a "crawl space', but not for humans. There is an access door to the underside that I started some mining to get the crawl space opened up for humans. If you were the size of a horse jockey, you may have a shot to get under this house. It was crazy. I have removed 3 cubic yards to date and need another 10 yards removed to actually be able to get around under the house. My hip has been fine for this type of bull work. So, maybe I need to physically work it hard to get it ready for Cleveland. Can't be worse than my other training that gets me hurt.
I am going to not run at all this week and then do a little testing while on vacation in Michigan the Holiday week. I hopefully can make some progress by July 7. Otherwise I may just be out of luck at the Nationals. And that will suck.
Late week I was in Lewiston, Idaho and it was really a hot day with brilliant sunshine. I found a nice high school track that was synthetic and thought I would would see if I could race. I had a great warm up, 95 degrees helps a lot, and tried some 50 meters at 70 % and 80%. 80% was over the limit. With 4 days til the race and my leg at 70 %. I was a scratch. That sucked. A lot of training and nothing to show for it. So, I packed up my gear and limped to the hotel.
I did get quite a bit of work done around the new homestead instead of racing. Our house is built without a basement, it is called a "crawl space', but not for humans. There is an access door to the underside that I started some mining to get the crawl space opened up for humans. If you were the size of a horse jockey, you may have a shot to get under this house. It was crazy. I have removed 3 cubic yards to date and need another 10 yards removed to actually be able to get around under the house. My hip has been fine for this type of bull work. So, maybe I need to physically work it hard to get it ready for Cleveland. Can't be worse than my other training that gets me hurt.
I am going to not run at all this week and then do a little testing while on vacation in Michigan the Holiday week. I hopefully can make some progress by July 7. Otherwise I may just be out of luck at the Nationals. And that will suck.
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