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2016 State Championship

400 meter race with Richard Westbrook 70 meters to go 

Richard Silver, I took Gold
200 meter with 70 m to go.

World class speed, 55.55 sec 400 meters on left, 55.78 on right!

Another successful State Finals over the weekend! It was the usual hot Tennessee summer weekend spent on a black rubber track!  The competition was very spirited with multiple records in all the classes--just great athletes from Charles Baker to William Yelverton.   Charlie Baker is in the 90-94 age group and was running by himself and still setting records in the sprints.  His doctor did not want him to run, he had something acting up, but Charlie stated -"I have to run" and indeed he did.  Charlie is nearing the end of his career but wants to go to Birmingham next summer and win some more National medals.  He is truly Senior Olympian royalty.   Yelverton usually does the USATF Masters but lives relatively close to Birmingham and wants to be in the show in the 200 and 400.  He won the bronze in the World's last year in the 400 meters in the 55-59 class.  Great medal chances for both next summer. 
I ran in 4 events and won two gold and two silver medals. I also ran on a 4 x 100 meter relay team  that was with three of the original members from last years silver medal winners at the Nationals--The Tennessee Tri Stars. .  Lyon Fleming was injured and ran anchor for that squad, so we picked up a rookie to fill in for him-Mark Lowry.    The relay was a lot of fun as usual, I ran the third leg and our time was 52.8 seconds which was just 1 second slower than last summer!   I really felt good digging in around the curve. 
    I had pretty solid times, had fun and did not get injured.  All three are very important in this league.   The first day we ran the 400 right off the bat--get the pain out of the way I guess.   There are a couple of great pictures of me and Richard Westbrook duking it out on the final straight.   He had pulled even and I was just getting that feeling he was going to get past me and win it.  As you can see, I am showing a lot of discomfort and just to my limit.  Right after this photo, a knee issue cropped up on Richard and he broke stride and I cruised to win it.  We had the field covered easily, it was between us two for the win.  This was one of the most tense 400 meters races I had been in, ever.  Richard was in the lane inside and was able to stalk me the entire race, I knew it was going on and could to nothing to get in control of the situation.  I did not like that one bit.     I looked back at least 6 times trying to get a feel for his position.  I was really on edge.  Coming to the main straight, he made up the stagger and it was dead even with 80 meters to go. I had adjusted my speed a couple of times at the turn and coming out of the turn, trying to not lock up the legs--I was really getting close to failure.  I had slowed and then accelerated and then we were all even.  I had lost several races of late at the wire and I was not happy with having that occur again. At this point, I said to myself to remember to swing the arms and keep good running form.   Richard faded quickly and I glanced back and he was gone, I thought he went down or something like that..  But he did recover and finished pretty well.  Whew!! That finish line looked really good to me.  That a big win for me, new class this year, I wanted to start it out right.   Richard's injury did knock him out of the other races.  I hope he can get healed up soon.  That was it for Saturday morning-- and that was plenty for me. I ran a 64.67 lap.
In the evening, I ran the 100 meters and was beaten by a couple of steps, I was gaining at the end, but too late.  I felt good, just got beat. I ran a 13.84 second 100..  The weather was suitable to great times, dry, hot and no wind. But it was really hot and I carried a bottle of water continuously.  Shortly after the 100 we ran the relay and I enjoy that as much as anything.  The Tri Stars looked solid and we will try to medal again in Birmingham next summer.
Day two was still hot.  We did the 50 meters first and I felt great, got a good start and lost by a step.  7.46 seconds which is one of my all time best runs at that distance.  I do struggle in the shorter sprints for some reason.  But the 200 and 400 are where I have a little more time to get my long stride working and take advantage of my 80 inch stride! 
After a long period of other races, we would wind up the meet with the 200 meters, which is my favorite race to run.  Not as painful as the 400  and it has a curve where I seem to do very well.  Thomas Siegele had beaten me in the 100 and 50 and I did not want to get beat three times by the same person.  He did mention he was iffy on the 200, but he  did decide to compete. I was working two scenarios for the 200--full tilt on the curve and hang on down the straight or try to beat Thomas if he ran.  I have not done the full tilt curve yet, maybe at another meet I will get a chance to try that strategy.  We only had four runners show for the race, injuries and heat took the toll on the competitors.  I like to outlast the competition  if possible and it was another case where the proper training really helps along with staying hydrated and in the shade.   I got to pick my lane and took lane two, Thomas was in lane three.  I get to stalk this time.  At the start, I made up the stagger really quick--so much for stalking-and stood on the gas at the normal 60 meter mark and was gone.  It felt great all way to the end.  I ran a 27.97 second race.  I did not lock up at all and probably had some more to get, but that was enough to cruise home first.  That one felt pretty good as well.

Overall it was a great meet.  I am in the show at Birmingham and got to spend some time with some great athletes and highly motivated people.   I chatted several times with Chris Edlin who is one of my blog followers.  He medaled in the 50 and also won gold in the softball throw.  Pretty good for an injured athlete. 

As far as my physical condition, my feet are sore from the spikes--which is to be expected.  I have a little hip tightness, but I went to the gym last night and loosened up and stretched.  So, overall you could say I made it through unscathed.  I will review my training in a later blog and the training was as different as I have ever done.   But it was effective and I felt very strong and had no break downs or muscle lock ups in the final few meters.  I think I am learning how to run to my body's limit in these big meets and not past the limit.  I did leave my blocks at the track and went back over on Monday and found them.  They were stacked up with the schools blocks, I am glad they did not disappear. The fun of aging is almost limitless.


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