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Showing posts from March, 2018

Working and Running

After I finished the National meet I hustled home, changed my luggage and headed to Miami Beach for the 2018 Tissue World trade show.   I had a busy week with meeting on Monday and Tuesday with a volunteer peer technical group in which I am a leader.  The martini shown is a Frescatini available at the Grill Fish on Collins Avenue and it a cucumber based martini that is just incredibly delicious.  If you are in South Beach--skip Ocean Blvd and head for this place.  The staff is fantastic and the food and service is top shelf.  This visit is always a trip highlight!   Then on Wednesday through Friday I was involved in the shows.   A very busy week of meetings and greetings.   I dragged my carcass home on Friday to get some rest with three days at home scheduled.    I was shot from no rest and constant travel all over the Eastern time zone.   But, on Sunday I started to get sick and by Monday ...

USATF Indoors Nationals

Last weekend I participated in the USATF Indoor meet in Landover , MD.  I did get one Gold in the 4 x 400 relay  and struggled in the individual events.   Overall it was great weekend, but I have some work to do to be competive in the outdoor season.   We ran the 400 race first day in  two heats and I was in the fast heat.   My plan was to stay with the leaders and make the first lap at about 29 seconds and then see what I had left.  I was close to 29 at the half way,  but I was already toast—nothing left.  I cruised home in big distress at 66 seconds and was 7 th, which was quite a  disappointment.   Great strategy, but lousy execution.    Next race was  the 60 which I did well but was 10th.  Too much speed on that track.  I ran a 8.78 second AA Silver Standard time! I had worked hard on my speed in the off season and will continue some of that speed work.  My start was really sol...

USATF Indoors

The USATF Indoor National track meet is this weekend near FedEx Field in Maryland.   I am headed that way today to run in all the sprint events and a couple of relays.  I am a member of the SoCal Track club who likes to compete for the team title at these National events.  We were second at the outdoors last year in Baton Rouge.    Hopefully I can score enough points to be helpful.  I am in 5 events, two relays and 3 individual races.  I think I can score about a dozen points--we will see.   I have been training as much as possible.  I have done a lot of core and hip related work and that's section is pretty strong.   I had a issue with some back pain last week and I can get through that with some heat.   Some of these aches and pains are probably the "new normal" but I do not want to admit that is the case.   I have been working hardest on the 60 and I hope to make a good show in that event.  Th...