I am in Minnesota this week, and the clouds are telling to "run boy, run". get out of here before the winter starts. There has been the low clouds all week, that are common to the upper Midwest during the winter and they are a major reason that I will not return. They just sap the energy from your body for some reason. I like the sun, without a steady supply of sun, I get weak and can descend into some pretty nasty depression. You will get to hear about this as the days grow shorter. Early January is when I can feel the slippage into the darkness. Like the clouds are saying--"Run Boy, Run" I am a getting home today.
A little correction on the weight gain, I forgot my blood pressure medicine last week. It is strong water pill, so to speak, so I was retaining too much liquid. I took them as normal when I returned and peed about 75 times the next day and the scales read the normal amount--about 200 pounds. I rarely forget my meds, and this shows why I take them. They are the cheapest pills around and they work.
I stayed in Baxter, Minnesota this week. It was my first time there and picking a hotel is many times a crap shoot. I won on this throw. The hotel was next to a package store with at least 400 brands of beer and that was next to a gym that had a deal with the hotel. That limited travel significantly. Across the street was Famous Dave's BBQ and various other local eateries were very close by. So I did not need to wander all over looking for the important stuff. Famous Dave's was voted best BBQ in Nashville by the local free newspaper. Linda and I were stunned, we could have listed several that would be preferred to us. So I had the 6 bone ribs naked. They were surprising good. I added just a little sweet and zesty sauce and took care of them in quick order. They reminded me of the crusty part of fried pork chops-- I will definitely give them another shot. They also have some die for corn muffins that are really moist and good. They have to have a big dose of pudding in the recipe. Yum.
I did some running on the treadmill at the FitQuest gym next door. I ran some 400, 600 and 800 meters at a 8:00 min/mile pace. I felt good and enjoyed the leisure pace. I monitored my heart rate closely and I am considering trying some training where I keep the heart rate above 85% for several minutes. I may want a coach to help out on that one.
It is time to start setting up my new training routine and goal targets. This is the hard part--trying to make the smart choice.
A little correction on the weight gain, I forgot my blood pressure medicine last week. It is strong water pill, so to speak, so I was retaining too much liquid. I took them as normal when I returned and peed about 75 times the next day and the scales read the normal amount--about 200 pounds. I rarely forget my meds, and this shows why I take them. They are the cheapest pills around and they work.
I stayed in Baxter, Minnesota this week. It was my first time there and picking a hotel is many times a crap shoot. I won on this throw. The hotel was next to a package store with at least 400 brands of beer and that was next to a gym that had a deal with the hotel. That limited travel significantly. Across the street was Famous Dave's BBQ and various other local eateries were very close by. So I did not need to wander all over looking for the important stuff. Famous Dave's was voted best BBQ in Nashville by the local free newspaper. Linda and I were stunned, we could have listed several that would be preferred to us. So I had the 6 bone ribs naked. They were surprising good. I added just a little sweet and zesty sauce and took care of them in quick order. They reminded me of the crusty part of fried pork chops-- I will definitely give them another shot. They also have some die for corn muffins that are really moist and good. They have to have a big dose of pudding in the recipe. Yum.
I did some running on the treadmill at the FitQuest gym next door. I ran some 400, 600 and 800 meters at a 8:00 min/mile pace. I felt good and enjoyed the leisure pace. I monitored my heart rate closely and I am considering trying some training where I keep the heart rate above 85% for several minutes. I may want a coach to help out on that one.
It is time to start setting up my new training routine and goal targets. This is the hard part--trying to make the smart choice.
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