I am in Ohio this week for my 6 days of fun in the great outdoors chasing white tail deer. We use shotguns with slugs in Ohio and hunt in farming country with a pretty good mix of brush added. I have hunted with the same group since I started hunting deer, which would be the early 80's. We treat the hunt as a team sport and try to get everyone a chance to kill something. That is not always possible, but we try to get you a chance, and if you are a bad shot, you just get chance you do not have to drag anything. I was driver on Monday and did not sit--we had 5 'school kids' that hunted and we worked on getting them some chances. They did get some shots with no luck. Monday, Tuesday and Saturday are usually days we work with the school kids to kill some deer. On Monday I wore my heart rate monitor and left it on for 16 hours-- that was when I got dressed in the morning, til I had finished...