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Showing posts from August, 2013

Rockfest North Face

The North Face of this project is not as threatening as the North face of Everest.  Whew!!  I finished the second major part of rock fest and I am convinced that I may have the strongest ass in Williamson County.   I used up the rest of my rocks tonight and have the tree that was being threatened by erosion protected  the best I can.  The next 3 inch rain storm will tell the real story.   This is the most basic bull work you can imagine.  My finger nails are gone, hands are just junk and my back is sore.  I have used a lot of really bad lifting technique the last week, but my back is hanging tough and as a result will be much stronger coming out of this project,  Power is in the hips, I am convinced.  With power you get speed,  I will test that out at the end of September. As a youngster, I was skinny and bony but still had some great speed.  The only thing that I can figure caused the speed was gene...


What is your first thought-- old washed up hair bands, AC/DC,  Aerosmith, Iron Maiden????  No,  Rockfest is latest project on the old Fly Farm.    I have been accumulating large stones  since we moved in last December and last week we started to make a water crossing in our stream and also buiding a wall to reduce erosion into our yard.  This is incredibly good excercise for the hips and legs.  Although my back and hands are sore, it is pretty good exercise for strength building. We built the crossing to get our mower to the meadow which we mow and have a garden of pumpkins, squash and sweet potatoes.  The first really hard rain we let us know how well we did, this stream can raise 8 feet in level quite quickly.   But today, it looks pretty good as the water tumbles over the rocks. We had a chance to do some research at the local library on our house.  It was built in 1880 by the Gray Family and later purch...


There is a lot of talk about an Olympics Boycott for the Sochi winter games in Russia.  Russia has passed some legislation restricting the promotion of gay lifestyles.   OK, they are not into gays and if we boycott these Winter Olympics--they will change their political beliefs............really??   When has an Olympic boycott ever worked???? The US boycotted the summer games in Moscow in 1980 because the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan.   Jimmy Carter made us the laughing stock of the world.  The only way the Soviets left Afghanistan is the US provided shoulder fired missiles to the locals and all the Soviet helicopters were turned into flaming scrap metal.  That caused a hasty retreat and the "war' was over.   I have very little  use for Carter, he meant well but could not delivery on anything during his Presidency.  The Soviets and Iranian laughed at him.   Let's not repeat this sham....

Company week end

My wife's parents are in town this weekend, so we are entertaining between rain.  I has been a really wet year in Tennessee, which is great for gardening.  On the other hand, we are still mowing every 7 days and the grass is incredibly dense.  Mowing works the 26 HP mower pretty hard and the grass looks like windrows when you are finished.   We will continue to take advantage of the outstanding gardening season.  We planted turnips and turnips greens that sprouted in 4 days!!!  So I planted some carrots yesterday between rain storms, they may come up in 3 days--who knows.    We started to eat some of our second batch of sweet corn yesterday,  the Silver Queen was pretty good on the grill.  Linda was in the Brentwood library yesterday and found some pictures of our house.  In the background of one of the shots were two barns.  The pictures get the juices flowing to get a garage/barn/summ...

Thanks Delta

You only think you can leave Tulsa.    Did the Eagles do a song about never leaving somewhere as well??  Weather was fine in the US!!!  My flight was the one delayed about 3 hours because of...................mechanical problems.   If I seem bitter, I am.    I made it home Saturday about dark.  Delta Airlines managed to screw me out of a day of my life--I hate getting screwed like that.    I am going back to Tulsa next week--I am flying Southwest Airlines.   I have only been abandoned once by SWA and the weather was really bad as we circled Chicago Midway for an hour and I missed my connection.   Delta has left my hanging on three occasions I believe and each case left a real nasty taste in my mouth.    Their use of the regional jets is a losing proposition. When I parked this week at the Parking Spot at Nashville Airport, the attendence asked how was my weekend??...

Looney Tunes

When I left the TULSA ariport last night, they had a junk yard consisting of 3 planes that could not be flown!    OK Delta, you proved your point, that you fly junk, but this is rubbing salt into the wound a little.   I would like to calm down a little, but getting the hell out of Tulsa may be a problem.  Yesterday, I had a 6:00 PM flight to Memphis and then on to Nashville.   Pretty simple.   Our plane broke the steering on the way to the runway-- we were on the ramp leading to the starting line.   We had a tremendous shudder when it broke.  I thought a flat tire, but it was mechanical.   Anytime this happens, you are screwed-- just the way it is with Delta.     The flight attendant was pretty panicky, which did not help the situation on on RJR aka 'flying tube'.   Quote "there is not procedure for this sort of thing"   ...