The North Face of this project is not as threatening as the North face of Everest. Whew!! I finished the second major part of rock fest and I am convinced that I may have the strongest ass in Williamson County. I used up the rest of my rocks tonight and have the tree that was being threatened by erosion protected the best I can. The next 3 inch rain storm will tell the real story. This is the most basic bull work you can imagine. My finger nails are gone, hands are just junk and my back is sore. I have used a lot of really bad lifting technique the last week, but my back is hanging tough and as a result will be much stronger coming out of this project, Power is in the hips, I am convinced. With power you get speed, I will test that out at the end of September. As a youngster, I was skinny and bony but still had some great speed. The only thing that I can figure caused the speed was gene...