I had a lot of positive feedback from the latest post about the race and I appreciate that. I am happy somebody actually reads these posts. Linda is my biggest cheerleader and I thank her for posts and links that let a lot of people know how the meet went and the results. Thanks Honey!! After the race, I had a chance to look realistically at my performance and I am quite happy with the times in the shorter events. The 400 was a little slow to be competitive at Nationals. As a result, I am going to work on a little different training regiment to see if I can get that time a little lower. I have not broke 1 minute since I started this Sr. Olympian and that is still a goal. I did a 61.03 in 2010. I have two meets in September that I plan on participating--TN District Qualifier and the KY State Finals which this year is in Lexington. I will use these events as a way to t...