I took inventory today and had some sore muscles and fatigued feet, but I felt pretty good. I did not have to use any Red Hot on the legs or any other medical techniques to be race ready. I did my normal KT tape on my feet and was fine. So, I am getting smarter and not going wild in the races-- the so called "staying within yourself" . Today, Linda and I got to eat a real breakfast at Goody's Family restaurant. It was wonderful, the first real breaksfast in 4 days--eggs, bacon, potatoes--yum. We also went to the Rock n Roll HOF to see the Stone's exhibit and anything that was new since our trip there 10 years ago. It quite a mixed crowd of old and young......
Now it is time to think about what to do next. Do I continue to race, give it up or switch to something else to keep me in shape??? I was really ready to quit a very short time ago. No shit--ready to walk away. But I did stack up competitively to the Sr Olympics crowd and I think I will continue. The next Nationals are in Minneapolis in 2015, I will be 59 and at huge disadvantage from that standpoint. If I want to race, I have to run in September, 2013 in our Greater Nashville qualifier so I can run next summer in the Tennessee state meet so I can qualifiy to run in the 2015 Nationals--clear as mud ??? So, I have decided to keep going. In the big races I will be staying out of the short races--50 and 100 and concentrate on the 200 and 400--where I can make the finals and compete.
So going forward, I will change my training to increase my conditioning on longer races and work really hard on the 200 meter times. As far as my weight, I am about 195 pounds right now and I am confortable there and do not foresee and drastic changes in my diet to 'get skinny' to go faster. A lot of really fast guys were quite muscular. Ask Linda about Paul Brown. He is some 50 year old eye candy for the women, he is even man pretty. By the way, he dominated the 50 year old 400 meters as well.
The meet was very enjoyable and a great show. It was fun to watch the competitors go at it hammer and tong. We saw some incredible performances, multiply records broken and some real human spirit. You want to be part of something like this. It is a real adventure that everyone should try and get there and race or just spectate. I have some great memories, met some very interesting people and heard some great stories.
I want to go back--but this time I will be really hungry for the hardware-- 1.5 seconds was the differnce between ribbons and something that clangs around.
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