"We are GO launch"

After several weeks of downtime in an attempt to get my leg healed up, I did some 'testing' this week on July 8.   I went to the local track and warmed up really good and stretched out the best I could and did some tests.   I did some speed test on a 50 meter stretch of track using a running start.  The running start allows me to control the speed better the entire distance and also eliminates any hard starts that are risky when injured.  I ran  9.7, 8.5, 7.5 and a 6.9 seconds for the four attempts with the speed constant thru the distance. Each pass was slowly increasing the intensity.  I did not go past 90% intensity--I was not trying to 'let it rip' at this point.   Looking at the numbers, my speed is OK and the left leg was not an issue.  It was still causing a little discomfort, but was not hindering the running or speed.  So, if Gene Kranz would ask for status, I am replying --" we are GO Launch"  .*  

I was to the point to calling off the Nationals if I could not run without any issues.   I still have the speed and I am will work on the fitness level the next couple of weeks to get my weight down and my wind and recovery improved.   If I get thru this week without causing any additional problems and still getting in some meaningful training, I will still go to Cleveland.   I ran yesterday on the local asphalt trail with cycles of walking and running.  I  worked on getting my heart rate to 98% and cycled thru this about 6 to 8 times.   It was hot and humid in the evening, and I survived.

 I am icing the leg regularly and also back on the Aleve to help keep any swelling out. I am not sure what treatment is the most effective at this point,  but ice is the choice currently. 

Going foward, I do not have any mill travel slated before the Cleveland meet and will be working at home or in the Memphis office.   This will allow me to control my training much better.  I should be able to get out and do what ever training I need.  I just have to figure out if I want to sweat early or late in the day. 

I could still call this thing off and retire, but right now I have several years of work committed to this event and need to see it thru.  If I can get up to full speed, "we are GO"

*( Apollo 13 movie quote).  


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