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Showing posts from September, 2012

Tennessee State Finals Record

I was thinking today, which the most scary words I can say to my wife, Linda.  But I really was thinking during my track time at Ravenwood.  I am going to run next Saturday at the Kentucky State meet for seniors.   I could be a state champ in a couple of states, which is interesting.  But, what really came to me, was I am the Tennessee State Recorder holder in the 50 meters for 55 to 59 years old.  Why did this fact just show up recently???  Well, it is the first time this event has been run, so by devault, the first winner--me--would be the record holder!!  Hopefully, I can make the time quicker next year.  I run 50 meter sprints on the track with spikes to work on my speed.  I will run 6 to 10 sets at 95% effort.     I have a goal of beating 6 flat in the 50 m with a running start.   Today after coming close several times in the last month, I ran a 5.92 second 50 meters with a running start after ru...

Running on Grass

I was running yesterday and a gentleman a little younger than me asked me a question, " why do you run on grass barefoot, what is the benefit?"   I struggled with an answer and never really had anything concrete, but I think there are a couple of benefits.   1)  It is fun.  You get to pretend you are a kid--so to speak.  I do not think I ever quit to tell you the truth. 2) My feet get some rest.  They are constantly under strain on the track and they do give me some pain normally after using spikes. 3) You can work on your stride length because I run on a football field and you can see how long your strides are reaching as you go past the 5 yard markers  4) It gives you time to work on your form.  I can use big arm movements or not.  I also tend to have a much higher knees when running on grass. This must be due to how your feet tend to sink in just a bit into the soft soil.  Traction is ...

Andy Rooney Has Nothing on Me

Andy is one of the best to give a good examine and butt chewing to what or whom ever needed it bad.   My gripe is hotel trash containers.   They are way too small and they are placed at the spot that is easiest for the maid to set them back in your room.  So, most trash cans are near the door--I do not generally stay near the door, I stay near the bed or desk.  So, when you have trash--food wrappers, empty liquid bottle, etc you have to go throw it in, or in my case bring it to where I live--in the room.  I fill them up after moving them to a normal spot in the room and the next day--they are next to the door again!!  I move them every day.    While we are on that subject, the containers are entirely too small.  If you have 2 beers, some food in a go conatiner, newspapers and other normal trash-- it falls all over the floor. The so called plastic liner--uses at least half the container for trapped air and also ...

Hayward Field

I made it to one the great tracks in the world--Hayward Field in Eugene, Oregon.  Home of the Ducks.   The Nike brand shoes and jogging both evolved from this site.  Bill Bowerman coached track here for nearly 25 years and had some great runners, including Steve Prefontaine,  and he helped co found Nike--he wanted better shoes for his athletes.   The US Olympics qualifiers were held here in 2012.   It is on TV everyear for some major event.   I had go since I was so close.  I was working in Halsey. On Tuesday morning we were not needed in the tissue mill until around 10:00 AM. It was also my 8 th anniversery of my wedding with Linda--this was a really special day.  So I drove down to the field and walked around a little to see if a gate was open--somebody ALWAYS leaves a gate open.  Nothing was apparent, so I went in the through a door way that appeared to be to some offices and wa...

Don't Jinx it!!

You know what I mean.  Run your mouth and then regret it a week later.  Well, I am going to run my mouth.  I have not had any real health or injury issues to deal with for several weeks. There I said it, my foot will probably break on Friday.   Looking at my training since the Tennessee State Finals, I have done less sessions but with more intensity.  I have been taking  2 or 3 day a week off to rest, and I don't do hard days back to back like I did in the past.    And I think I have the upper hand on the 'over training' that is too easy to do and I have definitely been quilty of in the past,  sports hernia and plantar fasciitis are evident of such.   My speed is actually getting better.  Kentucky will let me know in 4 weeks. Today I had a chance to get to the gym to do some of the weird stuff I do. I did some shoulder work and also kicks.  My upper thigh was the only sore sport from yesterday.  ...

The lost 35,000 foot blog

This is the blog that I could not publish from over  Kansas when flying to Denver.  I was in my draft file.  It's a little late Life is full of first and many you really remember well, and most of that is somehow related to women and babies.  But, today I am blogging from 35,000 feet while on a SW plane to Denver.  Linda and I are going to a wedding of daughter of some good friends.  It is a first on the blogging from altitide, but I do not expect this 'event ' to be remembered for very long of have much meaning in the big picture of life.  I went see my man Geoff today for a massage.  It was the first time in a long time that I did not have anything really acting up or hurting.  So, he worked on the back so I would be ready for the plane ride.   68 minutes to go, by the way.  There is a counter on the SW web page.   I took the day off of exercise, I had a lot of prep work for the trip ...

Sore Muscles and High Humidity

The last weekend in Denver was a breath of air--there was no humidity at 6000 feet.  I can see why the professional cyclist train in the high desert around Denver, you can survive heavy training without drinking massive quanitities of water.  I ran last night on the local high school track and the humidity was again up against the limits of survivable.   The temperature was not that high--80's, but when I got warmed up and was running at speed, every exhale was blowing water off my face, like running into your own rain.    But, I got in a good work out and most of all, I  was really fast!  I worked really hard on form and arm swing and it must be working--I ran well and one other gentle who was doing some track work commented on my form being 'very good'.  All the weight work with the shoulder and hips is hopefully paying off.    I was able to run without any tape on my feet and no odd ball aches and pains--just some minor...

Wedding Cake

This was supposed to post yesterday while I was flying on SouthWest from Nashville to Denver for a wedding of a daughter of some friends.  I was attempting to do something as a 'first',  but technology would not allow my first and I am setting in a hotel bed trying to remember my brilliant lost blog.  The header of  the SouthWest web page covered the publish button and I could not get it to post.   I get frustrated by technology that does not deliver, plus I paid $5 for the wifi service.  I think I only got $ 2 worth.   I ran on Wednesday after dark in Memphis on the Central High track and new synthetic sports turf.  I did at least 8 x 100m sprints on the sports turf at 65% speed to work on my stride and arms.  Isaac was closing in and the wind was quite firm and I also got out the parachute to do some strides,  The wind was so firm that the parachute velcro was over powered and it would just fly off.  So, I ju...