Andy is one of the best to give a good examine and butt chewing to what or whom ever needed it bad. My gripe is hotel trash containers. They are way too small and they are placed at the spot that is easiest for the maid to set them back in your room. So, most trash cans are near the door--I do not generally stay near the door, I stay near the bed or desk. So, when you have trash--food wrappers, empty liquid bottle, etc you have to go throw it in, or in my case bring it to where I live--in the room. I fill them up after moving them to a normal spot in the room and the next day--they are next to the door again!! I move them every day.
While we are on that subject, the containers are entirely too small. If you have 2 beers, some food in a go conatiner, newspapers and other normal trash-- it falls all over the floor. The so called plastic liner--uses at least half the container for trapped air and also likes to reject stuff back out to the floor. It is getting to the point that I might as well just leave it where I ate or drank it and let the maid figure it out. Well, maybe not, everything might disappear at that point. So, I will try to be a good citizen and put up with the craziness that is really bad trash containers in hotels.
Hey here is a solution !!! How about a 5 gallon bucket!!! They are big enough, don't really need liners, and are cheap or free and can be painted easily to match anything. At least I would have to go on a real bender to fill it up in one day. Or have a real party with pizza boxes and cases of beer--try that will hotel trash cans. It would also work for for shooting hoops with trash and empties-- not a bad idea.
I did get some running in on Sunday at the local track after 3 days rest or loafing--same thing. I ran some sprints and also ran on the football field with bare feet. That is always fun. The football field work was strides to work on my calorie burn and length of stride. It felt pretty good, although overall I was little slow and not really that energetic. So, to combat the slowness, I worked the legs with some heavy lifting yesterday. I will rest the legs today and if I get a chance tomorrow to work on starts in the City of Memphis.
By the way, as one to brag when I can, I am beating up on the family pretty good on the NFL pick em league. Betty smoked us last two years and I think things are definitely changing my way.
While we are on that subject, the containers are entirely too small. If you have 2 beers, some food in a go conatiner, newspapers and other normal trash-- it falls all over the floor. The so called plastic liner--uses at least half the container for trapped air and also likes to reject stuff back out to the floor. It is getting to the point that I might as well just leave it where I ate or drank it and let the maid figure it out. Well, maybe not, everything might disappear at that point. So, I will try to be a good citizen and put up with the craziness that is really bad trash containers in hotels.
Hey here is a solution !!! How about a 5 gallon bucket!!! They are big enough, don't really need liners, and are cheap or free and can be painted easily to match anything. At least I would have to go on a real bender to fill it up in one day. Or have a real party with pizza boxes and cases of beer--try that will hotel trash cans. It would also work for for shooting hoops with trash and empties-- not a bad idea.
I did get some running in on Sunday at the local track after 3 days rest or loafing--same thing. I ran some sprints and also ran on the football field with bare feet. That is always fun. The football field work was strides to work on my calorie burn and length of stride. It felt pretty good, although overall I was little slow and not really that energetic. So, to combat the slowness, I worked the legs with some heavy lifting yesterday. I will rest the legs today and if I get a chance tomorrow to work on starts in the City of Memphis.
By the way, as one to brag when I can, I am beating up on the family pretty good on the NFL pick em league. Betty smoked us last two years and I think things are definitely changing my way.
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