The last weekend in Denver was a breath of air--there was no humidity at 6000 feet. I can see why the professional cyclist train in the high desert around Denver, you can survive heavy training without drinking massive quanitities of water. I ran last night on the local high school track and the humidity was again up against the limits of survivable. The temperature was not that high--80's, but when I got warmed up and was running at speed, every exhale was blowing water off my face, like running into your own rain. But, I got in a good work out and most of all, I was really fast! I worked really hard on form and arm swing and it must be working--I ran well and one other gentle who was doing some track work commented on my form being 'very good'. All the weight work with the shoulder and hips is hopefully paying off. I was able to run without any tape on my feet and no odd ball aches and pains--just some minor soreness in my legs.
I have changed my routine a little and it appears to be working . I lift heavy once a week for the legs-- front squats at 245 x 3 sets and also started adding the power cleans at 135 and 145 pounds. I am really sore the next day, but two days later really really fast. I only run the short sprints once a week and that was last night- a total of 700 meters of 95% speed work. 6 x 50m and 2 x 100m curves and 2 x 200 m straights. I have appeared to have picked up 0.3 seconds in my running start 50 M time and I have shot to break 6.0 seconds ( my goal) . I ran 6.03 twice last night at the end of the work out with my heart rate at 140 bpm when I started. I was gassed when I started and still made great time. I think the weight training is making a huge difference and I continue it thru the Kentucky games and see how good my short sprint times are. A sub 7 second 50 m would be huge for my age group.
This weekend I will try to get in some slower runs to work on my fitness and keep the weight under control. I am hovering around 198, but it can run off if I am not careful. Real football is starting, so I can eat some homemade chili and drink a couple of brews with Linda. I made the annual 3 gallons of chili this week and I am ready for "some football" Go Steelers!!
I have changed my routine a little and it appears to be working . I lift heavy once a week for the legs-- front squats at 245 x 3 sets and also started adding the power cleans at 135 and 145 pounds. I am really sore the next day, but two days later really really fast. I only run the short sprints once a week and that was last night- a total of 700 meters of 95% speed work. 6 x 50m and 2 x 100m curves and 2 x 200 m straights. I have appeared to have picked up 0.3 seconds in my running start 50 M time and I have shot to break 6.0 seconds ( my goal) . I ran 6.03 twice last night at the end of the work out with my heart rate at 140 bpm when I started. I was gassed when I started and still made great time. I think the weight training is making a huge difference and I continue it thru the Kentucky games and see how good my short sprint times are. A sub 7 second 50 m would be huge for my age group.
This weekend I will try to get in some slower runs to work on my fitness and keep the weight under control. I am hovering around 198, but it can run off if I am not careful. Real football is starting, so I can eat some homemade chili and drink a couple of brews with Linda. I made the annual 3 gallons of chili this week and I am ready for "some football" Go Steelers!!
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