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Showing posts from 2018

Dates on the Calendar

It is time to mark dates on the calendar for next season.  The next race on the calendar is an indoor meet in Winston-Salem on January 20. I have started my prep work with weights and some indoor running.  My soreness level has definitely increased after taking off several months from  racing and running.  I have been doing pilates to stay flexible, running about on a week or two on a tread mill, but little else.  I did in the meantime finish the bathroom redo and it looks marvelous.  That is part of our attempt to start running a bed n breakfast here in Brentwood, TN.  We are going to connect this bathroom with a bedroom for a nice little suite. Linda does the cooking and feeds them and we hope it can work out.   With the hard work done and living in transition and dust, we will move into the government phase of the project where we get the permits and other paperwork squared away.  Even if we cannot get ...

Annual Reminder Race

I ran in my annual--you are a sprinter stupid- reminder race on Thanksgiving morning at the Cool Springs mall area.   My gym--Prairie Life Fitness was one of the sponsors this year and it started from their facility.  This change was a huge improvement. I could warm up inside on their track and leave my stuff in a locker and not have to worry.  I travel heavy and with the parking situation--I parked three blocks away--a locker made life much simpler.   Race morning was clear and frosty and about 3000 runners showed up for the annual fundraiser put on by Grace Works Ministries.  They make a lot on money on this event and they are glad to see you.  The Grace Works staff is very gracious and do say thanks many times during the event.  I am actually glad to help them out.   Organization was very good and this year they added a 10 K event, so a 5K and 10 K were ongoing on slightly different trails at the same time.  The finish lin...

Senior Olympian Week at Sunrise Center

I had a chance to give a 30 minute presentation to the residents of a local senior center today and to talk about my travels in the USATF Masters and Senior Games.  That was an interesting experience and like any other presentation that I have given to a larger group.  You had some dialed in to you and others that feel asleep--   I had some PowerPoint slides and a couple of videos of my experiences the last 9 years of competition.   The prep was interesting, as I assembled pictures and researched the names and ages of the runners, I would remember other people to include and it was an eclectic mix of people that had come through chemo, stroke, heart attacks, knee operations, major surgeries, obesity....  I also included Orville Rogers as the shining example of a late bloomer.  He is 100 now and still competes in USATF meets and started when he was 80 years old.  At 95 and 100 he has broken a lot of world records for his track accomplishm...

Still kicking

I am still kicking, just way busy on non racing stuff to keep everyone up on the latest.  I started remodeling a bathroom that we will eventually use as part of a bed n breakfast we are working on.  Remodeling is basically keeping the toilet, but in a new location, and replacing an old stone floor with tile, updating the lighting and ventilation and a new shower and sink.  Sounds simple, but nothing in this house is square or level and every thing has to be custom fitted and attached.  It is time hog and it would be incredibly expensive to hire done due the time required.  It will get done. I am about half way and if we are finished by Thanksgiving that will be cool.  This weekend,  I am racing in Fort Collins ,CO in USATF regional meet.  I wanted to get another meet in this season and this one is altitude.  If I struggle with 5000 foot elevation, then Albuquerque is off the table next summer.  THE senior Games will do their out...

USATF Masters Outdoor National Meet

  Last weekend I ran and jumped in the USATF Masters Outdoor National meet held at Eastern Washington University.   This is my second USATF Outdoor National event and I enjoyed the meet and had a lot of fun meeting people and doing some competing with the best in the world.   I was in the High Jump (4th), 100 and 200 (4th in each) 400 (5th) and 4 x 100 and 4 x 400 relays--both were Gold medals.  Just like every meet the goal is to make the finals, score some points and do not get hurt too badly.  I made all the finals, scored 15 points for the team and also finished up with just a minor complaint from my right foot and both Achilles.   With all those bases covered it had to be scored a success.  I am still seeking the elusive individual medal, but I had a shot in the 400 and I think I screwed up in the final straight.   But, it was fun, and Linda got to visit a part of the world she has never experienced.  This is ...

Family and 5 miles

Linda and I traveled this  Independence Holiday to Upper Peninsula of Michigan to celebrate with her very large family.   Linda is from Rapid River, but the majority of the action was in Gladstone.  They have a massive parade and also they hold a fund raiser on the 4th with a 2.5 mile walk or a 5 mile run early in the day.   I had agreed earlier in the year to run the 5 miler because of  the death of a family member and we wanted to remember him because he has run this event before.  Jay Thoman was a JAG in the Army and was out for his morning run when he was struck by a car and killed a couple blocks from his house in Washington DC area.  He had no ID and was not identified until later that afternoon.  Just a frantic situation and really hard on all involved.  Part of the family that participated He left a wife and two or three relatively young children behind.   We had some shirts made with his likeness and tried our ...

Mental Race Prep

State Record in HJ I wanted to add some thoughts I have on some of recent success in my racing as I have transitioned from Senior Games into the USATF competitions.  The mental side of performance is the where the difference really   exists between participants.   The mental strength in the last two seasons of racing is where I have began to excel.   Sounds a little boastful by all midwestern standards of decorum.   It is not that I am talking trash, just making the results… pretty simple.   Do you want to excel and do you have the mind set to perform?   Can your body delivery when you make the call? These are questions we handle in many situations during life and in particular competitions.    Physical prep is also important,  but I have seen really good athletes just fail because their minds were not right--it happens every week in college and pro football.    5 Golds in 5 Events   Early this season...

Tennessee State Finals

The Senior Olympics held their Tennessee State Finals last weekend at Battleground Academy.  The school had just done some work on their track and it was in great shape and fast. The old track was black and they have coated it with a blue material for a uniform surface and a great look.   The picture at the left is a 98 year old women who competed in  all the running races.  Her was 1500 was at 21 minutes in stifling heat, I thought she did a great job of finishing them all.   The weather was summertime in Tennessee, relatively sunny  with heavy humidity.  The humidity is  great for my breathing, but it was quite hot and shade was necessary to survive.  Any breeze was a welcome relief.    This season I was going to attempt to compete in 5 events, the usual sprinting races and the High Jump. I had not done any field events at the State meet.   I jumped 4'8" last Fall in the ...

Fathers Day and June

Our grand daughter visited last weekend --Fathers Day-- with her Moms and we had a great time with June.  BUT, she will wear you out. She takes two naps during the day and she is up at 5:00 AM sharp-- ready to go.  Just hang on from there, she like to drive the bus really fast.      Linda and I were both just exhausted after two full days and three nights with June in the house.  We need to get in better shape for this stuff.  It was worth it, she is just the sweetest thing ever!  She loved playing in the creek with a bucket, some sticks and of course a dinosaur floating in the bucket.  I think it was some soup starter.   We see her again in two weeks!!  Grandma made cookies for June  and a banana crème pie for Fathers Day along with a killer pot roast and we just had a great time.  That was a fantastic Fathers Day treat with June, Linsi, Betty and Bruce the pug in town as well. The week after th...

USATF SE Regional track meet

Last weekend the Masters met in Birmingham, AL for a regional track meet.   I ran the 400 and 200 meter events and showed some definite improvement from the slogfest at Whites Creek.    The weather was hot!  Sunny with a nice breeze ( thanks for that relief) and the humidity was just awful.  I like hot and humid conditions, but this was over the top in terms of discomfort. Ok, enough bitching.  I ran the 400 first and was in a slow heat ( 3 runners)  and I  basically made my own pace and won my class easily.   I improved my season best time to a 65.65 which is 7th quickest in the USA this season in my 60-64 age group.  I could have found some more speed, but I was going to run another race that day and I felt pretty good and was strong at the end.   I did concentrate on form and my arms to make sure I did not fade at the end.  My recovery was good, so my fitness is improving as the season progresses. The 4...

Driving Fast--Legally this time

Linda and Santa Claus last year went together to get me a driving experience in a Ferrari 458 last week end at the Corvette track in Bowling Green , Kentucky.   This gift did not disappoint anyone!  This experience is like an amusement park ride, so to speak.  You get a 20 minute training session and have a co driver that gives a lot of voice and hand commands on how much brake, turning in and various other instructions to keep you up right and on the asphalt.   The track is about two miles in length and has a long  main straight and an inner short chute that is almost as fast that are connected by a hairpin, in between is some gnarly off chamber and blind corners that were fun once you figure out where to find the line. This track is basically new which means smooth grippy asphalt!  The weather was warm with a storm brewing, so the traction was really good.  After the training, I also purchased a ride along in the 'lead car' that paces th...

Tennessee USATF meet

The local USATF meet was held two weeks ago at White's Creek High School, which is located just North of Nashville.   I ran the 60, 100, 200 meters races in a steady rain.   I was not windy nor did we  have lightning in the air to mess up the schedule, none the less,  it was a little on the miserable side.    I set up a tent near the starting line and it was a very popular spot to keep your gear dry and get out of the constant rain showers.   The housing situation was probably the highlight of my day.   The weather really kept a lot of athletes away and the running section of the meet took about 2 hours, which was a blessing, because if was not a lot of fun. I ran a 8.91 60 meters and that was about par with my Indoor time.  The 100 meters was my second race and it timed (electronically) as a 14.55.  That time would be my slowest since I have been doing Senior Games or USATF Master...

Tulsa week

Back in Tulsa for another week of work.   I am feeling a lot better after my battle with pneumonia.  Currently the score is pneumonia 3 or 4 and Jack 0.  That stuff is tough and I am thankful to be past the worst and getting some normal life back.   I am staying on the Southeast of Tulsa right across from Oral Roberts University--ORU.   I wanted to get some running in this week to start the trek back so I can do some racing this summer.   I went to my normal track at Memorial High School and they were having a soccer match so that was out.   I wandered over to the ORU campus to look around and they have a gorgeous facility that is open to the public.   I did some warm up the first evening and ran a little to get some feedback.   My body was a bit confused, it has been 4 weeks since I did any running,  but I made a couple 200's and called it a night.   My breathing was struggli...


I did get pneumonia after the meet in Landover and it may have been Legionnaires Disease which is pneumonia based sickness that is caused by bacterial infections in the air.  I think the building had a ventilation system that was not working properly and here we are, sick with pneumonia.  I am a lot better now and actually went to the gym yesterday for some core work and light leg stuff.  I am getting there, but I still get winded rather quickly and recovery is a bit longer. I am not eating many  cough drops each day, so things are improving, but gradually.   My next meet is May 5 and I should be ready by then.  But pneumonia take s a toll on your body and recovery is a lengthy process.  Last weekend was spent in Wauwatosa, WI celebrating the one year birthday of our grand daughter June.   She is a lot of fun and very lively.  We also got to see her first real walking steps.   She just pulled herself up by the sofa and ...

Working and Running

After I finished the National meet I hustled home, changed my luggage and headed to Miami Beach for the 2018 Tissue World trade show.   I had a busy week with meeting on Monday and Tuesday with a volunteer peer technical group in which I am a leader.  The martini shown is a Frescatini available at the Grill Fish on Collins Avenue and it a cucumber based martini that is just incredibly delicious.  If you are in South Beach--skip Ocean Blvd and head for this place.  The staff is fantastic and the food and service is top shelf.  This visit is always a trip highlight!   Then on Wednesday through Friday I was involved in the shows.   A very busy week of meetings and greetings.   I dragged my carcass home on Friday to get some rest with three days at home scheduled.    I was shot from no rest and constant travel all over the Eastern time zone.   But, on Sunday I started to get sick and by Monday ...