The athletics as it is called by the British or track and field as called by us is the "New World" was wonderful with some really fast runners and great wins by the US. The Bahamas sprinters were basically untouchable, but it was great theatre and I loved it. I did learn that Usain takes 4 to 5 (41 total) less strides than the competition during the 100 m. I have a long stride that I use at the end of races sometimes. I think I need to spend some time developing this longer stride and see it it is faster for me. I do have very long legs for a 5' 11" man, very 'long femurs' as my envious wife claims. So, we need to get out the camera and clock and do some experimenting. That may have been my advantage in high school, and I now to exploit this advantage. I won a lot or races my senior year in high school.
Yesterday was a travel day so I rested. I got up at 4:00 AM and getting energy to work out is not easy. Today I did my heavy leg workout. Which is front squats with 3 sets at 225 #. I did some regular squats at 275, but like the front better. I do the front squats to help with a sports hernia that I had an issue with 2 years ago. Since, I have been doing the front squats, the sprts hernia situation is under control. I also do some power cleans and cable kicks which I use to create a longer stride.
I also did some swimming with Mrs. Allen. I got in some work to have some aerobic activity. Tomorrow I will go to track and get in some speed or hard work.
Yesterday was a travel day so I rested. I got up at 4:00 AM and getting energy to work out is not easy. Today I did my heavy leg workout. Which is front squats with 3 sets at 225 #. I did some regular squats at 275, but like the front better. I do the front squats to help with a sports hernia that I had an issue with 2 years ago. Since, I have been doing the front squats, the sprts hernia situation is under control. I also do some power cleans and cable kicks which I use to create a longer stride.
I also did some swimming with Mrs. Allen. I got in some work to have some aerobic activity. Tomorrow I will go to track and get in some speed or hard work.
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