I had a chance to get into the weight room today and get some heavy leg work. I have been thinking about doing power cleans and finally found a youtube video that showed the technique. So, today I did some power cleans with 3 sets of 135 pounds. Felt pretty good, but my back will hurt tomorrow. I also did the front sqauats with knee wraps. I also worked on a deeper squat, in the past I did not go down to 90 degree knee bend. Today, I on went up to 205 pounds max and got a little deeper. The next two days will let me know how it went. Also, in the mix was the kicks and some kettle bell hammies. I was gassed after this work out.
I am in Florence, AL tonight watching some football on HD TV-- HD is a real plus when traveling. The Comfort Suites delivers on HD. And there is more....NFL Network is also in HD!!! OMG!! Linda is in Florida and she looked really good when she left this morning, I miss her already.
I have a choice tomorrow, There is a really nice synthetic track and a nice grass soccer field to run. I will let me legs chose tomorrow.
I am in Florence, AL tonight watching some football on HD TV-- HD is a real plus when traveling. The Comfort Suites delivers on HD. And there is more....NFL Network is also in HD!!! OMG!! Linda is in Florida and she looked really good when she left this morning, I miss her already.
I have a choice tomorrow, There is a really nice synthetic track and a nice grass soccer field to run. I will let me legs chose tomorrow.
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